The EPC (Electronic Product Code) is a unique number assigned to a specific product/item, which acts as a key to database to unlock information about that product.
These numbers are similar to a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), which is encoded in barcodes, except for the fact that it is unique for each specific unit of a product.
EPC number is encoded in a microchip of a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. Radio waves are used to capture the unique ID at extremely high rates and at distances further than 10 meters, without line-of-sight contact.
RFIDs are leveraged to boost supply chain visibility and increase inventory accuracy. As per market research, integration of sensors and cloud-based technologies in RFID tags offer lucrative growth opportunities to market players across Industry segments, including supply chain management, airline baggage handling, industrial logistics, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, brand protection, libraries, media management, and others.
Another interesting example of the use of EPC/RFID tag is Indian Railways to manage and identify the location of its assets — wagons, coaches and locomotives. For unique identification of its rolling stock, Indian Railways uses EPC/RFID tags designed by the Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS) encoded with GS1’s GIAI-202 standard. Partially implemented system has benefited the railways tremendously which is why once the system is fully implemented, it will be crucial for the visibility of each vehicle that runs in the Indian Railways in near real time. This system will also help Indian Railways in predicting maintenance work schedules, freight traction and coach maintenance.
GS1 EPC-RFID standards are also being used to facilitate the Electronic Toll Collection system in India, under the name of FASTags. The ETC is meant to provide a faster, efficient and seamless travel on the State and national highways.
Similarly, in healthcare, the EPC/RFID tags can be used to monitor the movement of prescription drugs or medical devices, across the supply chain. This traceability, enables trading partners to share information about the whereabouts of the products in the supply chain. The tracking helps eliminate counterfeit products as well as ensures patient safety.
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