As per the Global Brand Counterfeiting Report 2018, total value of counterfeiting globally has reached to 1.2 Trillion USD in 2017 and is heading towards 1.82 Trillion USD by 2020 including counterfeiting of all equipment/products. For Indian market, where online retailing is expected to account for 3% of the retail market size by 2020, according to a report by PwC, counterfeiting provides a major challenge. The annual loss to counterfeiting in India amounts to 1 trillion per annum. Counterfeit products pose 3 major threats: Consumer safety : Typically, authentic products goes through various high quality control processes during the manufacturing and processing and are governed by safety laws which companies have to abide by. Loss of revenue for brands and government: Counterfeit products impact the market share for authentic business and also reduces the revenues for both businesses, in terms of sales revenues, and the Government, in terms of taxes and duties. Investment...
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