Many a times it happens that you enter a showroom looking for some product and come across one that doesn’t bear the price tag. You seek the help of the staff there who immediately checks their inventory with sensors and do the needful. It’s then that you take the help of the Datkart. Datakart is the product data repository . Data cartas the name suggests is the storehouse carrying all the data on the consumer product including their features like image, content, price, size, etc. It is a barcode generator for every product under its purview. It allows the brand owners to communicate the trusted brand information to the retailers. Since the launch of Datakart in 2016, it has modernized the product data conversation between the owners, retailers and the customers. Presently, it masses information on approx. 80 lakh consumer products from approx. 14,000 companies. Benefits of Datakart This service started by GS1 helps the manufacturers to share the accurate updated SKU data in a sta...
GS1 India provides universally unique barcode numbers. They enables important applications like product authentication, track /trace, product recall, real-time stocks monitoring, online selling, and many more.